2018 – setting the right goals

2018 – setting the right goals

Every new year is a fresh start, a time to improve the state of your body and mind. So this year, revitalise your mind and body with some lifestyle changes and most importantly, enjoy life.

BODY – losing weight

After a week of drinking champagne and slipping our feet under the dinner table, it will come as no surprise that losing weight is the most popular NY’s resolution ever.

Try to define how many pounds you want to lose before starting a diet. Remember it’s better to adopt a healthy lifestyle than to go on a crash diet. Diets that don’t correspond to reality will often work for only a short period of time.


In addition to healthy eating (and drinking) habits, exercise will definitely help you lose these extra pounds. Most fitness clubs offer special deals and promotions in January. Or if you have the right attitude and discipline, home gym can offer a range of advantages as well. But don’t forget, it’s okay to allow yourself a little break every now and then.

MIND – getting organised

Organising your life is one of the most popular resolutions every year. Truth is, this can be one of the most difficult ones to achieve.

To make sure you’re off to a good start, create an agenda, plan when to do certain tasks and set a deadline. This will be a step up from having a long to-do list.

Avoid distractions such as social media and YouTube. Easier said than done – we know – but think how you good you will feel once you’re there!

A new year is also the perfect time to declutter your home. Piling stuff up around you will make you feel more stressed and you will risk losing focus in your day-to-day life.

Start sorting through your belongings and work out what you need, step by step, room by room. Remember, you don’t have to get rid of everything, a storage unit can be the perfect solution to clean the house, while keeping your belongings conveniently accessible.



Given the hectic, stressful lifes we all have, it is no wonder that “enjoying life” has become a popular resolution in recent years.

Schedule friends and family time, a girls’ night out or a family bbq. Sit down as a family at the dinner table – no electronics allowed!

Keeping this resolution isn’t easy, but simply block one weekend a month where you don’t plan anything and dedicate this free time to your children, friends and family.

It’s an important step to a happier and healthier you!

Did you take the time to sit down and prepare a list of important changes you want to make this year? To which category do your resolutions belong : body, mind or life? Share your comments.

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